are there any people in their late 20's late apply to work at Disney for a year?

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by julieann, Mar 20, 2007.

  1. julieann

    julieann New Member


    I am thinking of doing the WDW international programme for a year.

    I was just wondering if they can a big age range of people that apply - or is it mostly people in their early 20's?


    Julie from UK.
  2. linsey

    linsey New Member

    Re: are there any people in their late 20's late apply to work at Disney for a y

    well, I'm in my mid 20s and going out soon (I turn 25 out there) and the interviews had a huge range of folk. Not sure which age ranges got accepted but they won't discriminate so there seems to be plenty of older folk who want to go out there.
  3. pinkspideruk

    pinkspideruk Active Member

    im 25 will turn 26 shortly after i arrive at disney :)
  4. stu_uk

    stu_uk New Member

    Re: are there any people in their late 20's late apply to work at Disney for a y

    lots are youre age, expecially on the CRP!!
  5. hollyravewood

    hollyravewood New Member

    How about people who are under 21... are there many of those... I'm just wondering because I don't want to be all alone with everyone drinking and me not :(
  6. mirko

    mirko New Member

    most people that i know applying for CR this year are under 21 :D
    you are not alone ;)
  7. hollyravewood

    hollyravewood New Member

    Cool :]
  8. Jorden

    Jorden New Member

    Re: are there any people in their late 20's late apply to work at Disney for a y

    When I was there I got the impression most people were under/right around 21 so you shouldn't have much of a problem there.
  9. PrincessJilly

    PrincessJilly New Member

    ppl up to about 30 work in the UK pavillion!
  10. _Jessy_

    _Jessy_ New Member

    Do they have an age limit? I remember hearing sth like it?
  11. pinkspideruk

    pinkspideruk Active Member

    they have a lower age limit. yu have to be 18 to go out there and work. i think some people who were 17 applied for the position but weren't able to interview until they turned 18.

    i dont think they would be allowed an upper age limit. WD is an equal op employer, that means they cant discriminate on race/religion/sexuality/age/disability/sex/body size etc.
  12. erika_svart07

    erika_svart07 New Member

    That's right, there is a LOWER age limit but there is no age restriction. One of my friends had a 35yr old chinese roomate, a lot of the italians I knew were well over 25. Same goes on the other direction. So don't worry about age when it comes to applying. You make the program what you want out of it, whether it implies drinking (underage or not), making friends or just having the time of your life.

    Apply because you're willing to experience the Living (don't go for the money factor either...) ;D Good luck!
  13. PrincessAshi

    PrincessAshi New Member

    Re: are there any people in their late 20's late apply to work at Disney for a y

    I know lots of mid 20s that have applied/worked at WDW I'm turning 25 while I'm down there so we'll have to have a BIG Disney Party for me!
  14. Emi

    Emi New Member

    The girl who I had my interview with is going in December and she's 29. :)
  15. JenniferK

    JenniferK New Member

    I'm only 17 and i had my interview, won't be 18 until August, and have been offered a December start, so from my experience you can be 17 to be interveiwed!
  16. Chris-R

    Chris-R New Member

    I'll be turning 25 a week after I get there, so forget about your age and apply if you wanna go.
  17. sandinshorts

    sandinshorts New Member

    There's people in the Canada Pavillion from 18 to at least 36 and I think a few of them are even older than that, so there's definately a large range of people here.
  18. sandinshorts

    sandinshorts New Member

    There's people in the Canada Pavillion from 18 to at least 36 and I think a few of them are even older than that, so there's definately a large range of people here.
  19. dannyrock4

    dannyrock4 New Member

    yeah, im 25 too, will be 26 when im out there.
  20. Linz

    Linz New Member

    I go down in June and I'll be turning 27 in Sept. I could be the oldest person in the program and i wouldn't care. I have every intention of having the time of my life and enjoying every minute. ;)

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