April 1st interview waitlistees

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by clover, Apr 17, 2009.

  1. clover

    clover New Member

    for those of us who have been unfortunate enough to be waitlisted, hope we can all keep in contact through this????
  2. Good idea.

    Hey everyone for all those that dont know me Im james, u can add me on facebook at James jasper hutton.

    Like many of u I have been wait listed, Im not overly sad, a little angry I didnt get told last week. But thats life, Im gonna stay positive and be hopeful. And I hope we can all support each other on this.
  3. clover

    clover New Member

    im here to too for evryone. am too angry that we didnt find out sooner than this. think we should all meet up at some point in the future and go for drinks. would be good to be with people that understand wot we are going through.
  4. disneyjp

    disneyjp New Member


    Im with Jim on this one..Im also quite angry that they've waited till over a week after to tell us were waitlisted, when they could of told us last week..But guess there is nothing we can do about it now..
  5. Dan7

    Dan7 New Member

    I'm a fellow waitlistee, I found out last week. Totally bogus they waited this long to tell you guys.
  6. disneyjp

    disneyjp New Member

    I know yeah..

    I guess we've just gotta wait and see who's top of the waitlist! haha..

    I've heard of people being waitlisted and the same week they get a job offer tho..

    So I suppose its not all bad I guess...
  7. disneyjp

    disneyjp New Member

    I was also going to say, that I feel I may have been waitlisted as I told them I could go ASAP..

    So maybes thats why they put me on the waitlist, as they might feel there are some places coming available!

    Just a thought, guess Im just trying to make myself feel better about the situation :-\
  8. Chiyo111

    Chiyo111 Member

    I've heard, there's no rank on the waiting lists... so it could be everyone next, I think.

    Wish you all good luck... and me, too, cause I'm waiting patiently too ;D

    But I know, I will go on the right time to Orlando... when ever it is - we'll see ^^

    Chiyo ^^
  9. clover

    clover New Member

    that could be right JP we just dont know. has anyone else u know heard?
  10. I really dont think thats the reason. I think it is what it is, and we just have to cross our fingers,
  11. robbo454

    robbo454 New Member

    My friend did the same programme last year and she was intially waitlisted and then 2 wks later she got accepted to go, so i think that a lot of people on the waitlist will end up going, fingers crossed for u all, I am still waitin to find out :-[
  12. clover

    clover New Member

    well all my fingers are crossed! i emailed michelle to see if she could say how many were accepted but she just said 'i understand u must be gutted an hope a position becomes available for u in the future' she didnt answer my question though!!
  13. im gonna have 2 delete people from my facebook that got in, untill i find out if im going or not, cos i can't deal with happy disney updates! LOL!
  14. aj2721

    aj2721 New Member

    I've only just got on a computer but today I got the waitlist email too.
  15. Is it normal to have this many folk on the wait list!?
  16. mushu

    mushu New Member

    There were probably close to this amount on the list from October, but there was like 80 of us at the interview or something, so it just seems more this time around I guess...

    How you holding up Jim?

    Oh yeah, and incase I forgot to mention it, I'm on the list agaaaaiiiiinnnnn :mad:

    But most people last time round got off of it, they just had to wait a few weeks longer.... here's hoping!
  17. And how many of that folk eventually went?

    And im pretty much the same.
  18. clover

    clover New Member

    this sucks so bad....but congrats to those who did get through,very jealous
  19. Magic-vanilla

    Magic-vanilla New Member

    Hey everyone I got wait-listed email today.

    I heard that folk got wait listed / rejected last week and i was curious, do u think the folk that didn't find out till today were wait listed, were more successful and they got wait listed because they just hadn't sorted arrival dates yet? And so they told us we are on a waiting list, because essentially that is what it is and when they have sorted out positions for us, we will get going? I might just be u know thinking to much into it, but i dunno! If i offended anyone with that im sorry, but its just what im thinking.
  20. I guess that is one theory, which would explain why we didnt find out till today. However I know of at least one guy on the waiting list who found out last week. And well he's amazing so.

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