Hey guys, Im from the UK and I`m interested in applying for the cultural representative program. I was just wondering if I sent my cv to yummyjobs now when could I expect to hear anything, like when are the next batch of interviews? Also on your cover letter/cv do you just say your applying for the cultural representative program or do you have to go further and be more specific like you want to work in f&b or merch etc. One last question, I cant get onto the yummy jobs website, is anyone else having problems?
LOL.. I am doing the same ting myself! Yes there website is down.. So is there email address that is listed..Enquires@yummyjobs.com However I found a phone number and gave them a call. Very nice people to talk with PM if you need an email address that works :-D I would also like to know how long I have to wait for an interview. Your cover letter should be involved. About whom you are and why you want to do this program, explain your excitement and enthusiasm Best of luck! Matt
Hi guys! When are you applying for? I've applied to do the CRP after I finish my degree, in July 2008. I sent my CV off a few months ago, and got an email saying they'd be in touch at the end of this year, or start of 2008. As far as I know, they've been doing the interviews for feb 2008 recently. Good luck with it!! ;D
Hi Guys, I'm also going to apply for next year...wanting to do the 12 month CRP program and i'm also from the UK. When are you all hoping to go? I don't have a clue what to write on my cover letter and the amount of people i have asked...i still don't seem to be getting anywhere with it!! haha. Anyway...hope all is well...have a magical day! Rach x
I`m hoping to go as soon as I can, I`m inbetween stuff at the minute so nows my ideal opportunity to do something like this. Its kinda hard to make other decisions tho, like there are courses Id like to do but if I sign up for them and then get into this I`ll have lost out on what i paid for the course, but if I dont sign up and dont get this, then Ive missed out on the course, if you get what I mean. I know what you mean about the cover letter and cv, I`m clueless as to what I should write!
Well I've just sent in mine and have been told the next batch of CRPs they will be interviewing for is Feb 08. On the letter just tell them (in no more than a page) why you want to do the programme, what you would bring to the programme, try to maybe tie in your experiences with Disney, outline your skills/qualities in relation to how they would help you on the crp and tell them your cv is attached and you look forward to hearing from them, be positive, set a cheerful tone. Google CV's and Cover letters for examples and tips.
Thanks! That's helped me some more...i'm going to make a start on mine ASAP!! Hope everyone is ok and well... Have a magical day! ;D Rach x