Hey Few questions... What do you send to apply? This website says send off the application form and your CV and the disney international programs website says a cover letter and your CV, now, I'm presuming they are different things. I am applying for the ICP summer 2009. If you do have to write a cover letter, what do you say in it? I presuming you tell them more personal things such as medical issues if and when you've been accepted? Where and when do they usually hold interviews, and what happens if you can't make it (eg, lectures or tutorials on same day) Thanks
Hey When I sent my CV, I just put a cover 'note' in the email (not a full scale formal latter) along the lines of: Hi, my name is _______, i've been looking at _________ (whatever programme interested in) and I would love to become a participant. Then give a little bit of background about yourself, what uni your from, what you study (if not uni, what jobs you've had) and why you think it would be a great exeperince to participate in chosen programme. Then, I've attached my CV for your consideration and I look forward to hearing from you in the near future. Yes - The medical/personal/tattoo issues come later Interviews: well, dependent on what programme your wanting to do, (i.e. for the grad programme they visited a few major cites in the UK) but i'm not sure about the other programmes, your best bet is to assume that your interview will be held in the Disney UK offices located in Hammersmith (an experience in itself to go there!) and if you can find a venue closer to you its a bonus. I think ICP interviews are around september/october the year before and march in the departure year. As your applying for the 2009 programme they will probably say they'll keep your CV on file and contact you nearer the time. Its no detriment to you to apply early, i'd just recommend dropping them and email nearer the time to reming them you're still interested. Hope that helps! Anymore questions just ask on here - at least one person will have an answer! Good luck with your application!! xx
thanks for the help Thanks for the help on the cover note. I'm pretty sure I won't send my CV off until about July or August as I will know for definate whether I've got onto my course at my uni of choice and I will hopefully have a few weeks more work experience to write on the CV. I was wondering about the interviews as I thought they were slightly later in the year and if I'm in London (at parents house) before I start then I would have no problem with going to one then but since I will be at uni in Portsmouth come October it gets a bit harder to get to London and not miss any important lectures, etc
hey i've been told they held a set of interview in nov/oct 2007 and that there is an other set in march 2008. however, i know someone who did the summer program a few years ago and they were still looking people a few month before the summer holidays were due! good luck! ian xx
Hi I was just wondering if you can apply by e-mail because on the website it just says mail or fax... thank you
I think you can. Where are you from? I'm applying through International Services, and there most people apply through email...
I'm from Canada and I know that the hiring agency I have to contact is Cast-A-Way. I have e-mailed them for more info and asked if I can e-mail my application but I thought I'd ask here too. It's just that from this site there's no online application to fill out, there's just the one to download and print out... thanks for your help
just so you know though, you'll probably get an email telling you to reapply in september, cast-a-way just finished this seasons hiring a couple of weeks ago....
Yeah I was reading some other threads and I got the idea that the next chance I'll have will be in the fall Although I would be willing to travel to get to the interview... But even if it is fall that'd give me time to save up money and give me something to look forward to lol ;D
Hi! Just thought I would chip in on the conversation seen as I am going through the process you want to know more about! I didn't realise they held interviews in November so I send off my CV and cover letter to YummyJobs at the beginning of December, had my phone interview at the end of January and I have my f2f (face to face) interview tomorrow - eek!! But they do hold interviews during November as well. My interview is at a random restaurant in London and I'm currently at Bournemouth Uni (so not far from Portsmouth) it's not too hard to get to London But I think they are holding interviews in Liverpool as well this month. I think in November they may have held interviews in a couple of other places too. As for what goes into a cover letter, basically what other people have said already - just introduce yourself really, say why you want to apply for the ICP and be really enthusiastic whilst at the same time maintain a polite, not too colloquial (i.e. chatty) approach... that means not millions of exclamation marks! Good luck with getting what you need to go to Uni
Just to complicate things, I didn't include a cover letter at all. I just sent my C.V. and added a comment on the message that I wanted to apply for the ICP, and my interview's next week. So i'd say it's not that important really.