Application Process

Discussion in 'ICP Applicants Discussion' started by Imagineer2802, Jun 8, 2011.

  1. Imagineer2802

    Imagineer2802 New Member

    Hi Everyone! Just signed up to this site today - its great! I have been wanting to do the ICP for years now, and will finally be applying next year for the summer of 2013 (i know, a long way off!)

    I was wondering if anyone could shed a little more light on the application process? I have studied the official ICP website over and over again so i know all the stuff featured on there ::) But i would like to be able to know a little more about the application process, and what happens when you arrive.

    I know you apply through Yummy Jobs (i am in the UK) but thats all i know! I have heard you have several different interviews etc.
    What happens when you arrive (if successful)? Does someone collect you from the airport? or are you given information of where to get yourself to? I have read on here that you get an information pack too!

    Sorry for all the question - i'm just too excited! (and have been for the past several years! ;D ;) )
    Thanks! :D
  2. helium7suz

    helium7suz New Member

  3. Imagineer2802

    Imagineer2802 New Member

    Thank you for that!! I have been reading through your blog and its excellent!
    Sorry it has taken me so long to reply, i just completely forgot to come back and let you know i was reading your blog :-\ oops! ::)
    But thank you ;D
  4. helium7suz

    helium7suz New Member

    Haha don't worry! It's always nice to know that people are reading it! I hope it proves useful to you because the ICP is an amazing experience.
  5. Imagineer2802

    Imagineer2802 New Member

    been following your blog, but couldnt work out how to post a comment on there :-[ :D

    I hope your flight went ok! I heard they shut Orlando International Airport yesterday due to storms and a burst water pipe, so i hope you landed ok! (although i know you were doing an indirect flight, but whatever, i hope your flight was ok! ;D I will be avidly following your progress!)
  6. helium7suz

    helium7suz New Member

    Sorry for not replying sooner. For some reason I wasn't able to access this site until today. All my flights went well and I didn't have any problems at Orlando International. My program's been going really well this year too and I've been having a great time.
  7. vickiw001

    vickiw001 Member

  8. helium7suz

    helium7suz New Member

    Thank you! There will be more videos once I'm back in the UK. The internet here is a bit slow for uploading them unfortunately and I'm too busy to edit them right now.
  9. DisneySpike

    DisneySpike New Member

    I found what really helped me was reading blogs and watching vlogs.. honestly find as many as you can read them from start to finish (in that order). Even older ones (5+ years old) are helpful... not as helpful as newer ones of course since things have changed but a lot of the jobs are similar and such.
    To find most of the blogs I read I googled them or found them on links of other blogs.
    If you go to the first couple posts of my blog ( ) you can find a LONG list of blogs.. on the side of my page are ones I've read and most I've reviewed in a blog post so you can sort through what you may or may not want to read.
    As well read as many posts in this forum as possible go back and read ones from 2010 and such they answer a lot of the questions you have and if not don't be afraid to post a thread and ask.
  10. gingerbuzz

    gingerbuzz New Member

    Blogs and Vlogs are the best way to learn about it from an outsider point of view. You can see when the Blogs are being posted and therefore see working hours etc. Its always nice as well when blogs don't just focus on work and play.

    one thing i always wonder about is the rooms. I haven't really seen a lot of photos of the accommodation/surrounding area. Is there blogs that feature a lot about the different accommodations?

  11. vickiw001

    vickiw001 Member

    there are loads of videos on youtube, hust type in vista way disney and you should find some. The accommodation for ICPs is the same as for CPs so stuff from American students is really useful too when looking at accommodation :) it all seems pretty nice anyway.

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