Hi Everyone Right now I'm trying to fill out the 'application form', but I'm not sure about what to do with the 'SHADED AREAS FOR INTERNATIONAL RECRUITING USE ONLY' on the first page? Should I just leave them blank or do I need to fill out all the fields since I'm an 'international applicant'? What confuses me are the fields saying 'Hire', 'Housing', 'Name Tag', 'Visa' and SSN#...To me those fields are to be filled by the employer and not the applicant? Kind Regards, LILY
lily, i'm not sure about hire, housing etc, but if it says "SHADED AREAS FOR INTERNATIONAL RECRUITING USE ONLY" don't fill it in - that's for disney/whoevers dealing with your app to fill in. hope that helps.
Hi Lily, which application form are you talking about? Are you applying for the Cultural representative program, the college program or another one? And which country are you from? I just wondered cos I didn't have to fill in a form until the f2f interview... Maybe it changed since they put the new yummy website up?? ???
The Disney recruiters or your in country contacts will fill that area out with you at your face-to-face interview. Leve it blank for now
Wauw thanks for the quick response. I thought so to that you weren't supposed to fill out those shaded fields so thanks for confirming that