
Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by u2l67, Feb 7, 2005.

  1. u2l67

    u2l67 New Member

    Hey everyone, looks like loadsa peeps have face to face interviews! How many pple do u reckon they rejected after the phone interview? I'm quite worried, cos I have a small tatoo on my shoulder blade, do you think this counts as visible? ??? How many of us do you reckon have interviews on the 28th? :-\
  2. loops_li

    loops_li New Member

    Not sure about the tatoo, I guess it depends on what uniform you have to wear. i guess there will be about 20 of us on the 28th, but that is just a guess. I'll definately be there though!

  3. emma

    emma New Member

    i think there will be about 30 odd people on both days...gotta remember not only r they making everyone travel to london this time rather than them tour the country but also there are loads of ppl who are unaware of this website!
  4. Grouchy87

    Grouchy87 New Member


    Am sure the email will be ok, the only prob there might be is if it is visible through the white blouse of your work costume, but for the interview am sure it'll be ok. I wouldn't mention it unless they specificaly ask though!

  5. mojojojo

    mojojojo New Member

    Oh they do ask, u need to write it on ure application form, then they discuss it with you in ure interview. Ive got a tattoo at the base of my spine and my belly button pierced as well all my interviewer wayne said was "you'll need to take out ure belly peircing while ure at work"

    They've got a thing about hair as well - at my interview i had blonde "flashes" in my brown hair - basically the underneath of my hair was blonde and the top brown i was told "we dont care what hair colour u pick, just pick one and stick to it!!"

  6. Lindsey

    Lindsey Guest


  7. Grouchy87

    Grouchy87 New Member

    lol... well i think the tattoo and the new hair will have to ait till after my interview then!
  8. mojojojo

    mojojojo New Member

    There DEFINATLEY not shy in telling you what they do and don't like!!

  9. Lindsey

    Lindsey Guest

    it was jason i think that went over that with me, not dru(the guy that interviewed me).

    jason didnt seem to care that much bout my belly piercing. as its covered by my clothes. so thats nowt to worry about!

    Id just dye over ANY hair colour that isn't a natural colour, it isnt worth it to miss the chance youre given just for a hairstyle. :-\ i mean they will have a good idea before who's been on this site(they read it sometimes i think)so they'll know who knows bout them wanting a natural hairstyle. it wont look good if you didnt take note of it. and if its between you and one other person and they cant decide...ya know what i mean. you've all done so well so far and you dont wanna blow it on summit silly, it'll be well and truly worth it when you get the job!!! ;D

  10. swedey2k

    swedey2k Guest

    Do you reckon Yummy read through this regularly? I mean for the guys that run the programme there (Jason etc) it must be quite a useful resource to see what people think of the process, what problems are happening etc|?
  11. Marie

    Marie Guest

    You have to take your belly button piercing out Jo? - they told me it would be fine - i guess it depends on the costume would of thought the big merch belt will cover mine even if the tops see through!
    I guess at least you guys know the deal b4 the interview - i didnt find out about all the appearance requirements till i was at the interview! Tho id heard b4 Disney had strict guidelines from the us college presentation i went to...

  12. SaraC

    SaraC New Member

    oooh look @ u the belly piercing gang. i was havin mine done around 4 or 5 years ago, proper chickened out tho :'(
  13. Lindsey

    Lindsey Guest

    did ya proper chicken out hun?!haha. nah its nothing, not sore at all. ill go get a tatoo in florida and you can get your belly button pierced!help each other through the pain!lol!

  14. SaraC

    SaraC New Member

    lol yeah i did hun, im terrible with needles. was bad cos saw me best mate have hers done then got proper put off!

  15. mojojojo

    mojojojo New Member

    I gt mine done wen i was like 14 just never taken it out! Wanye (my interview dude) said something about health and safety??!! ??? mentioned something about incase it got caught and pulled out - which has never happened!

  16. Marie

    Marie Guest

    Sara - ive had mine done for years - its nothing a little prick thats it! It looks worse than it is!
    Me and lindsey will come with u in florida if u wanted to get it done...

    I always used to want a tattoo but cant pick a design i get bored so easily... Plus if i got one id want it on my lower back and thats meant to be one of the most painful places cos its all bone...

  17. SaraC

    SaraC New Member

    we shall c ey girls ;) see how darin i feel lol

    me 2 marie, i wanted one on lower bk or on my stomach, i wanted like a cluster of stars or sumit.

  18. Lindsey

    Lindsey Guest

    thats where i want mine!

    haha looks pretty. but think id want it done near the start so i can have some quality bikini time before i start piling on the pounds with all these dennys we'll be having!

  19. Marie

    Marie Guest

    That sounds cute! Ive changed my mind so many times! At one point i wanted one on my arm (i was 13!) then my shoulder... it would have to be something special cos the way i am id get bored of it!

  20. SaraC

    SaraC New Member

    lol @ us 3. theres me scared to death of needles and im discussing tattoos argh! but seriously i wanted my belly button done so much!

    well u never know what the floridian air may do lol


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