anyone know any phone numbers for the uk pavillion????

Discussion in 'Alumni Discussion' started by Gareth, Feb 22, 2007.

  1. Gareth

    Gareth New Member

    i have some justin timberlake tickets for tonight that i have to sell due to not being able to go and was wanting to call up the rose and crown. anyone have any numbers??

  2. Locklear

    Locklear New Member

    I don't know any UK numbers, but I know the Canada cart so if you randomly called there, they would know the UK numbers...haha. The cart's extension is 3050. ;D
  3. Gareth

    Gareth New Member

    thanks for the speedy reply, whats the full number?? ill give it a try

  4. Locklear

    Locklear New Member

    For some reason 407-560-4450 is sticking my head, but in my cell I have 407-560-7897, which I'm sure is the Canada back office. Try doing 407-560-3050 and see if you get the cart. The back office would work too, as long as a manager doesn't answer. Cheers!
  5. Chrissi

    Chrissi New Member

    OMG Heather...I wouldn't even know the number from the commons anymore :-\
  6. Buzz Lightyear

    Buzz Lightyear New Member

    I'd try 407-560-0000 I think that's the general Disney operator, from there you can ask for the R&C
  7. Locklear

    Locklear New Member

    Chrissi - I know everything! Haha...I had them all in my cell phone cause its the same phone I had down there. I know, I'm crazy. I'm Canadian...what did you expect? :-*
  8. Danielle1883

    Danielle1883 New Member

    407 560 3470 how sad am I? that's for the managers office in the rose and crown
    D x

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