haha-- this is funny, b/c if you are both who I think you are, you sat close to each other at the dinner friday night...
I've been so busy I haven't really had to much time to dwell, but still it's not fun! every time the phone rings I get excited lol Its quite sad actually.
ahh i get super excited verytime my phone rings to. and everytime i have email cause it could come in email form! oh the waiting.....
Telemarketers are evil. LOL. And I got friends who do it. They better not be the ones driving us crazy. I gotta be gone all day, hope they send an e-mail today. I will go crazy if it is phone calls. (At this point I rather the e-mail anyway cause if he plans to call all of us we might have to wait a few more days.) And now I know who you are WinterSun. I thought you were part of the CP program at dinner till you told me at the end. LOL. Hope today is the day. Lets all keep our fingers crossed and don't forget to check junk mail just encase.
lol My friend was a telemarketer for a month. I would never last that long. Personally I'm not rude, but the horror stories he told me...ahhh. I'm with you, emails would be better, especially since i'm in school almsot every day during their work hours. lol I'm in college but I graduate this year, but I'm going to University after taking a year off, so if i don't get CRP then I'll be trying for CP next time. I'm just going to keep applying till they finally take me if i have to!
LOL. Me too. I don't think I did as good at the interviews as I would have liked to. I know if I was a little more relaxed I could have bombed them. But I was so nervous this time around. (Like the phone interview. My first one I SUCKED at it. Second one it was like it all came naturally and stuff.) I really hope we get in this time. And hey if you like it, when your in university you can do the CP as well. That would be fun. Wish I knew about it back then. Might have gone to University rather then college. LOL. I am so excited. Hope today there is some good news waiting for us.