Anyone From Calgary Accepted??

Discussion in 'Accepted/Current CRP Participants' started by cmac, Nov 20, 2006.

  1. cmac

    cmac New Member

    Just wondering if anyone from Calgary has gotten accepted yet???
  2. AshleyDawn

    AshleyDawn New Member

    I have - I interviewed on the seventh, and I heard last night!

    Aaaaaaaaah! I hope some people I met got through too! :D
  3. cmac

    cmac New Member

    Congrads! Im still just waiting to hear anything, it seems alot of Vancouver applicants got the good news already so maybe there making there way onto the calgary applicants?? Did u find out you got the job by email or phone??
  4. GDelaC

    GDelaC New Member

    Cmac good luck! I'm sure u'll hear from em soon. Yea, a lot of ppl from my school will be heading down w/me this May. We r all doing F&B. There was one guy waiting to hear back tho, but he applied for Merch. & I heard ppl who went last year found out a week apart?! And we all found out by email. When I first saw it, I thought it was a rejection note! haha Anyway, just keep u'r fingers crossed & I'm sure we'll all be meeting soon! ;)
  5. AshleyDawn

    AshleyDawn New Member

    I do hope they starting letting the Calgarians know! I want to know if any of the people I interviewed with are in, hmph!

    I was notified by email - it went to my junkmail though, since it was from Eric and Nicola was on my safelist from before. It was just a basic Congrats email with a number I had to call for details.

    They're possibly doing it by role, too. Maybe they notify the smaller jobs, like Attractions (me) first, and then merch, and then F&B or something? In any case, I can't see them holding out on letting everyone know for too much longer!
  6. sandinshorts

    sandinshorts New Member

    I was in the Calgary interview. I just got the email. I've been successful, but unfortunately there are currently no positions available for me. I have been put on a waitlist. Good luck to those still waiting to hear. Maybe it's done alphabetically?

  7. AshleyDawn

    AshleyDawn New Member

    This is very possible - since my last name is a B!
    Which day were you at the Calgary interview? Congrats on being succesful - if only there were more jobs, hm?
  8. sjones

    sjones New Member

    Hey! I just found this site. I got accepted too, on...Tuesday I got the email! I don't start until July though and I'm in Attractions. I'm really excited. Maybe I saw some of you guys at the Calgary interview on the seventh?

    Did any of you get any information packages or anything with more info on what we actually have to do or anything?

  9. carolh

    carolh New Member

    Hi! I'm from Vancouver and I got Operation. I called Eric yesterday and he told me the info package won't arrive till 1 month prior to our departure date. so, for my May 27 departure, the package won't be here until April.
  10. AshleyDawn

    AshleyDawn New Member

    Ah, I'm in Attractions too (and I start June)! I wonder what we'll be doing, hm, since I think it might be different from Operations? Anyway, I was in Calgary on the seventh - I was one of the first people there, blue shirt, probably really obnoxiously loud, sitting at one of the back tables. And Congratulations!, by the way!
  11. AshleyDawn

    AshleyDawn New Member

    Nooooooo =(

    Bother. That's about a five month wait for me. All I know is he told me all this junk I have to do on the phone, like background checks and visas and forms and things, and it just all went in one ear and out the other because I was mind numbingly excited. I've been relying on that information package to re-inform me :p
  12. sjones

    sjones New Member

    Hurray! Congratulations to you too. I hope Attractions is fun. I've heard a lot of things the past couple days I've seen this discussion board, and not a lot of it is centered on the actual job. Haha, so, I'm not too sure what to expect!
  13. AshleyDawn

    AshleyDawn New Member

    Haha, yeah, I love this place. It's so neat because we're all confused together :D Some people know what's going on though, thank God. So hm let's see if I can remember you from the 7th - where were you sitting for the first and second half? Win any prizes? (I still can't find my silly magnet that I got and I cherished is SO VERY dearly for the first ten minutes I know I had it)
  14. sjones

    sjones New Member

    Hmm..I don't remember. I was one of the very last interviews, 2:55 I think...and I had on a grey jacket and blonde hair...probably looked really shy. Haha..Were you at the back the whole time? Farthest away from the interview doors? Because I sat quite close to the interview doors, so we may not have met.
  15. AshleyDawn

    AshleyDawn New Member

    I was at the table second closest to the doors - at a table with three other girls. Eventually I moved to the table closest to the door though while waiting and talked to people and tried to read (key word: tried).

    I'm so excited that another person from our group got in though! I'm sure there are others that don't use the message boards, but there were some really eager people there that I hope got through as well!
  16. musicman06

    musicman06 New Member

    I got accepted... just waiting to hear later this week when I start and in what position :)

    Im about 3 hours south of Calgary...
  17. sjones

    sjones New Member

    Yeah, everyone was so nice! I think I saw you.. Were you one of the ones talking about...was it Kentucky Fried Chicken? And bags from Old Navy? Anyway, congrats again. I'm glad I found this website. :)
  18. AshleyDawn

    AshleyDawn New Member

    Wahoo Musicman! Another one for the team! Haha - what role are you and when do you leave?

    Yep! Lol I remember now - I was talking about KFC - how even when I wasn't a vegetarian I wouldn't touch it with a ten foot pole. Ugh, I feel sick just thinking of it now! :p
  19. sandinshorts

    sandinshorts New Member

    I'm IN, I'm IN!

  20. AshleyDawn

    AshleyDawn New Member


    Congrats :D What positition are you - and when are you heading south?

    And WAHOO again! That must feel amazing after the limbo of the waitlist!

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