Anyone else get a call?

Discussion in 'Accepted/Current CRP Participants' started by Colin, Apr 13, 2006.

  1. Colin

    Colin Member

    Hey guys!

    Got a call from Alexis today asking if I would mind swapping my September departure for a December departure as someone is doing this as a placement and needs to go Sept. Anyone else get this call?

    I had to turn Alexis down and I don't know why but its made me feel a bit guilty. I really hope they find someone. Problem I got is I can only stay in my current house in Stafford til the end of August, if I wanted to stay in my current job i'd have to find somewhere else to live for 3 months, the alternative would be going back to my parents and having to find another job there. Neither of the options are practical, especially as its almost impossible to get a job where my parents live, especially for only 3 months!

    Did anyone else get the call? Anyone accept?

  2. kerrbear

    kerrbear New Member

    hi colin ...

    yeah i got that call too... I also had to turn it down and also feel very very guilty. My problem is that i have told college that i will not be coming back, i have told my work i will be leaving in september and they have started looking to replace me and also i live with my folks and they are away to sell up and move someplace smaller so there for wont have space for me :( .... i doo feel very guilty for telling alexis i couldnt do it and said for her to give me a call back if she couldnt find anybody else.

    anybody else get a call too ??
  3. Colin

    Colin Member

    I must admit I am quite pleased I am not the only one who feels guilty...

    Donno why I do really, its a bit silly. Guess I'd just like to be able to help someone out who wants this job as badly as I do hehe :)

  4. kerrbear

    kerrbear New Member

    looks like its just me and you that got a call then ... hmmm :-\ ... nah see what if it ment me not getting the job at all i would deff take it but its just doesnt seem poss at this moment coz im not gonna have ne place to live!!!
  5. Josephine

    Josephine New Member

    hey i got the call from Alexis too, I also turned it down!!

    After i got off the phone felt really guilty too, :-[

    Had a good think about it and weighted up the pro and cons!! But came to the conclusion that Sept is the best time for me.

    Still feel bad though, hope they can still go?

  6. Megara

    Megara New Member

    I haven't had a call, but if ALexis does call me I might change dates... it would be a shame for someone not to go and there is no reason why I need to go or be back at a certain time, so.... IF I get the call I prolly will change, but I'm not going to call offering... I like the group I'm going with!

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