Anyone applied for the 6 month program from July 2007-January 2008?

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by Vickygirl01, Mar 22, 2007.

  1. Vickygirl01

    Vickygirl01 New Member

    Hi I´m Vicky, I´m from Mexico and I applied for the 6 month program from July to January, the one that you also take one course at the Rosen Collegue on Hospitality Managment...Anyone else has applied for this program??? I have my interview on march 31.... hope to hear from all you,,,.. Vicky ;)
  2. Nina

    Nina New Member

    Yep im doing it ;D
    There's a few more aswell look at the july 15th thread in accepted applicants!
  3. unrealitiesxi

    unrealitiesxi New Member

    Yep. Hopefully see you there in July.
  4. Vickygirl01

    Vickygirl01 New Member

    that´s so cool!!! where are you guys from???
  5. Nina

    Nina New Member

    Im from Dublin- Ireland ;D
  6. unrealitiesxi

    unrealitiesxi New Member

    I'm from the British Isles, Nina doesn't like to be associated with them ;) :D
  7. Vickygirl01

    Vickygirl01 New Member

    WOW!!! from all over the world!! that's so cool!!! hope to see ya all there then. I will have my interview next friday, I'm very excited about it, can't wait to pass it and go to Disney!!! ::)
  8. unrealitiesxi

    unrealitiesxi New Member

    Good luck, then you can join in our thread in the Acceptedapplicants section. :)
  9. j0hnyoung

    j0hnyoung Guest

    I am off out august..doing the year program..But still on the J1 Academic..So i guess ill see you guys out there...
  10. seanny boy

    seanny boy New Member

    i have applied for the summer program and i have already sent my stuff in for the year program for next year, i was just wondering what kinda stuff do they ask you for the year program and most importantly how much do you have to pay for it. i know a little but not every thing. any advice for the year program would be well appreciated Sean
  11. j0hnyoung

    j0hnyoung Guest

    Its costing me $2500 tuition fees..then there's your flight, visa and other things..So i would say it comes to about £2,000 before you've even got there!
  12. seanny boy

    seanny boy New Member

    which one did you get into? the one where you spend so long at Michigan uni or the in Florida? just i was think the one in Michigan then to Disney. whats the crack with accommodation? £2000 for a year program ain't half bad. cheers for the insight mate
  13. j0hnyoung

    j0hnyoung Guest

    The michigan one..£2000 is for your flight and tuition fees..suppose its a similiar sort of price to england i suppose..
  14. seanny boy

    seanny boy New Member

    which one are you doing mate? i think that the year program would be amazing. well worth it.
  15. unrealitiesxi

    unrealitiesxi New Member

    Oi Mickey!es! This thread is for the Graduate Program. ;)

    How dumb, it edits swear words.

    BTW, I just heard a real funny joke.

    Snow White has been kicked out of Disneyland. She was thrown off X Factor for singing tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies while sitting on Pinnochio's face. :)
  16. j0hnyoung

    j0hnyoung Guest

    I do apologise..What was your'll have to tell me on msn! haha..

    Just thought i'd post on here seen as though im guna be out there the same time as you all..

    NOT the central florida one..The michigan one..Basically the J1 Academic Program...
    Which one you thinkin about doin?
  17. Vickygirl01

    Vickygirl01 New Member

    For this program...What was your interview like? what did they ask you? Any tips?? thanks.... Vicky 8)
  18. unrealitiesxi

    unrealitiesxi New Member

    Me and Nina seemed to both get asked different questions. Stuff like

    why do you want to work for disney?
    What can you bring to Disney?
    She asked me to tell her about my past working experience
    Where had I travelled in the world and where would I like to travel and why?
    Would I deal with sharing with people from diff. cultures?

    The interview was pretty laid back. Good luck.
  19. Nina

    Nina New Member

    Can barely remember now! :D
    She asked about good customer service experience,
    What you want to gain from this program,
    Sharing with people,
    How you dealt with change
    Thats all I can think of now!!
    Best of Luck ;)
  20. mark

    mark Guest

    Hi Vicky i'm leaving on the 15th from the UK too, I got asked similar questions to both Dylan and Nina and a few different ones,

    Such as ... what did i think each role involved and why i chose those roles,
    What experience i had with dealing with members of the public,
    What i wanted to do in 5years time (i always hate that question),
    why i wanted to work for disney,
    What i could take away from the experience,
    My favourite memory from visiting WDW.

    Good luck for your interview and hope to see you out there!

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