Anybody else feel...overwhelmed?

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by Aya, Jun 21, 2007.

  1. Aya

    Aya New Member

    Hey everyone I'm a newcomer here I've only just joined I sent off my CV a month ago and keeping my finger crossed for the next 10 weeks now!! Really hoping to get as i'm sure everyone else is! I have to say that I find it all really overwhelming, seeing the amount of people on here that have applied or are going to WDW there's soo many, and congratulations to you all! i'm kinda doubting myself now if i'm going to make it in or not :-\ ahh does anybody else find that? Need some reassurance!!

  2. DisneyGibbs

    DisneyGibbs Active Member

    It really can get overwhelming at times, but don't worry about the amount of people applying...there are so many different programs that have lots of places...Just shine at the interview and enjoy the experience!
  3. Kat22

    Kat22 Guest

    i'm the same hun. i've just finished uni, and i've been wanting to do the CRP for over a year now, I want it so so so so so badly! yet.....I feel as though something isnt right, what did yummy say in response to your cv? they said that they'd contact me september-october time? is that the same for you?? x
  4. Aya

    Aya New Member

    Yea! they said they'd contact me in 8-10weeks no specific dates, that was the start of June so around the same time as you i'd guess, I'd been waiting to apply for ages though, when did you send your CV off? I think i heard they pick about 100 from each country I think don't quote me on that or anything! At first i though 100 wow quite a lot but then looking at the amount of people on here...reality kinda hit me :-\ but as DisneyGibbs said there are so many different programs..

  5. Kat22

    Kat22 Guest

    i sent my CV off months ago. I think I'm going to send an e-mail at the end of august saying something like, "hey! dont forget me :-D!" haha. cheesy. but just in case.

    if i dont get the CRP i'm gonna go for the J1 Academic thingy.
  6. JenniferK

    JenniferK New Member

    Hey, don't worry. I sent my CV off last November 2006 and YJ replied saying that I wouldn't be able to apply until February in 2008, so after that I just stopped believeing that I would even get an interview, and then they suddenly contacted me in March. Its a long and annoying process, which seems to work differently for everyone. When I heard how competitive it is, I abandoned all hope but just remember out of all those people who apply, they have to choose some people. so good luck!!!
  7. pinkspideruk

    pinkspideruk Active Member

    it is a long process i applied may 2006 had a phone interview june 2006 a face 2 face interview in nov 2006 and then i start in august 2007
  8. Kat22

    Kat22 Guest

    well i just got an email saying I wasnt successful..bit gutted, not even a phone interview.

  9. toddlystockley

    toddlystockley New Member

    Hard luck, but why not re-apply. Eventually they reward persistance. It takes an incredibly long time to have your cv accepted, pass through you phone interview and get through the face 2 face interview, mine has taken me 1 year and 6 months. I find that everything worth having is worth waiting for.
  10. pinkspideruk

    pinkspideruk Active Member

    email them and ask why u werent accepted and if there is anything you can do to make ur application more attractive for the disney programme nt eh future.

    and re-apply it sometimes takes a while esp when u consider how many people they have applying each time.
  11. Aya

    Aya New Member

    Noooooo the same has just happened to me worst feeling ever :(
    ..Not giving up :mad:
  12. Aya

    Aya New Member

    I also believe anything worth having doesn't come easy...
  13. toddlystockley

    toddlystockley New Member

    sorry to hear. best of luck trying again though. Persistance is the key, i met a few people trying for the 2nd and 3rd time, its not easy but keep trying
  14. JenniferK

    JenniferK New Member

    yeah really do try again. where theres a will, theres a way!
  15. Elizabeth

    Elizabeth New Member

    mine only took 6 months or so. I applied in october or november 06, when they advertised in my uni, then got the email saying i gota go to the presentation/interviews then i got my email saying, didn't get it then a week later got another email saying i did get it! lol so all that took til febraury! i think or less, i no i had no placement interviews and all to worry bout over christmas, so maybe it was sooner than that! guess my friends and i were just lucky
  16. I applied yonks ago, around easter I guess so I have had a long time to wait but not tooo long now, only 10 weeks or so. My application was accepted though which is always good. I am thinking of sending a reminder to them in the next couple of weeks though. Is that something anyone else would recommend on doing?
  17. tiggercharlotte

    tiggercharlotte New Member

    I wasn't even given a phone interview the first time I applied- with the year long programme what they are primarily looking for is someone with an interest in a career in tourism/hospitality. Maybe try emphasising any experience you already have with merch/ f&b, or if you don't have any, try getting some. Yummy have so many CVs to look at, they're not going to be able to give a phone interview to everyone, but if its any consolation, I got rejected first time straight away, then 2nd time I went all the way and got out there. Email Yummy and try to find out when you can reapply, and take it from there. Good luck! :)
    Charlotte x
  18. Aya

    Aya New Member

    What does it take!? like dynamite job experience?? for the people who have been offered a place what kinda experience have you got, if you don't mind me asking? I just want to know what I have to do..Thank you all for the support you've been a great great help to me!
    Thanks always
    Aya x
  19. pinkspideruk

    pinkspideruk Active Member

    my job experience is pretty varied and i put it all down figuring something would appeal - i work currently for the nhs in admin, used to work in finance at tesco hq - whilst working there i had a second job as a bra advisor at marks and spaks, before that worked at asda, poundstretecher and asda and then way back when my first job was as a waitress lol.

    i just really upped my communication skills, my affinity for disney, my belief in the disney magic and my ability to bring unique skills and talents to the company and make a difference.
  20. Emi

    Emi New Member

    My money's on it being that that got it for you. ;) 8)

    As for my own experience, I worked in a bar for two years and I've done three years security. But she was more concerned about my customer care experience in my current job than bar/waiting experience. Personally I think they're looking for more of a personality fit than a skills fit. It would be worth maybe altering your CV to highlight aspects of your jobs where you've had a lot of customer interaction. And when writing your cover letter, be sure to explain why you want to work for Disney. And be honest, they can tell. ;)

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