any south africans? or any commoners who wer mates with s.africans?

Discussion in 'Alumni Discussion' started by sutherz, Jun 29, 2005.

  1. sutherz

    sutherz New Member

    I miss the commons life and recognise a few of your faces. If you remember the s.africans, I am Mark. Lets get talking.
  2. JennB

    JennB New Member

    My roomie was from South Africa. Her name was Santha and she lives in Durban.
  3. JRD

    JRD New Member

    hi mark

    I think i know you, did you work in boma's? That was my favourite place to eat as the food was awesome!
    I'm from the uk and me and my canadian girlfriend were regulars of the animal kingdom lodge. I also saw u around the commons a lot but never chatted to u for some reason.
  4. sutherz

    sutherz New Member

    Yep I worked at boma. I think I know who you are as well because you did come in regularly. Whats new?
    hows life after disney treating you?
  5. JRD

    JRD New Member

    Lifes treating me ok but i miss the commons and florida loads, it was an amzing year that i miss so much but my time is up there and its back to reality! :( hope things are good with you!
  6. Chrissi

    Chrissi New Member

    Hi Mark!

    I knew Henriko. I think you lived together in 1918. Deli lived in my Apt.
    I arrived with Russel ( Is he still in Florida?), Pimp Kabelo and Mario (or was it Marios ???)
    How could you survive working for 15 :eek: month as a seater????
    BTW I loooooved Boma. Coconut Tiramisu *yummy* ;D

  7. sutherz

    sutherz New Member

    russel is married and in las vegas. im in london and yes henriko was my roommate. marius broke his neck andis ok now and kabelo is pimpin in manchester.
  8. Chrissi

    Chrissi New Member

    Why are so many Sourh Africans in the UK? Is it so easy for you to get a visa? What are you doing in London?
  9. sutherz

    sutherz New Member

    its easier to get the visa in america for the uk. the exchange rate is 12 to one and we are willing to do the jobs that the british dont guards,construction,bar men and such. so we work damn hard for a year or so and we can travel europe and if you save enough go back and get a car, or a house or whatever you need.
  10. RCP

    RCP New Member

    I lost contact with my South African arrivals, I arrived march 5th 2003, with Brent, Rey, Riian, Tatto, Wabone, Monty and Amit and Saty from India, have u got any info about them by any chance, any email...?

    RUBEN, The Mexican 1918!
  11. sutherz

    sutherz New Member

    riian, brent ive got there contact details and will get them to you next time>

    my going away party was in 1918. theres 3 south africans in ther now.
  12. RCP

    RCP New Member

    Hey, Thanks a lot, I will appreciate it... I can wait to get those contacts and write'em to see what has happened in the last year. I still miss MY appartment, even I recall so many stuff that I left as part of the house, I bougth a lot of gadjets and they stayed there when I left. TV, VCR, ornaments, ligths, cushions, chairs, towels, all my house left behind... I miss even some plates or mugs, ro stuff like that...LOL well, someone must be giving thema good use somewhere around commons. Wow I still have the map and always remember my balcony to the little forest, in the Common's Central Park area as I used to called it, when some Castmembers reffered the Beverly Hills zone of Commons, I used to say, well I must be living just in front of Central Park, so nice area...Remember exactly two years ago my great Birthday party, all people attended, we were more than 100 and I prepared 2 big containers of Sangria. The Throw ins that same day ended up in my apartment and so may people called sick next morning. Lots of memories, blur some of them but still there to remember!

  13. !Dave!

    !Dave! New Member

    Hey there,

    im looking for Nicole from Sauthafrica
    she could drink so much alcoho ;Dl it was amzing. got drunk several times with her.
    Maby someone who knows her can give me her e-mail.
  14. Milcom

    Milcom New Member

    Hey Mark! I think I remember you. I was that always drunk Norewgian that was living together with Jhon from south africa and Monir from marroco/ France. In appartment 2512

  15. sutherz

    sutherz New Member

    hey man. yep, i remember you. always partying. whats up?

    john is in england now, me aswell.
  16. Milcom

    Milcom New Member

    Ye man! Im fine!!! I live in England myself now. just outside London. (Guildford) Having a good time here working and partying. YEEE!!!! Seee ya around! say hello if you see John. I think I have him on MSN. .....
  17. tarah

    tarah New Member

    Does anyone have Kabello's email address? He used to stay in my apt (714) all the time with my roommate Claire from France. Anyone have her email address either?? I cant distinguish her email address that she gave me as she wrote it when she was hammered....


  18. Chrissi

    Chrissi New Member

    I just know that Kabello lives in Manchester at the moment. I'll ask a friend for the email address.
  19. Chrissi

    Chrissi New Member

  20. tarah

    tarah New Member

    Hey thanks Chrissi for Kabelo's email address!


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