Any people from HOLLAND?? or flying out the 23th of June??

Discussion in 'Accepted/Current CRP Participants' started by kristol, Apr 12, 2006.

  1. kristol

    kristol New Member


    I was wondering if anyone from Holland is also doing the WDW college program.

    And who else is leaving the 23th of June so we can meet up that day somewhere :D

    Greetzz kristel xxxxx
  2. kristol

    kristol New Member

    NOT ANYONE?????? :'(
  3. snow.white87

    snow.white87 New Member

    Doesn't look like it....
  4. kristol

    kristol New Member

    Hmmm that's weird :(
  5. monkian

    monkian New Member

    there must be some somewhere...maybe they don't know about this site yet?
  6. monkian

    monkian New Member

    i'm not going till august but i will see you there!!!!! and snow white will help you find all the dutch people when you get there i'm sure.... infact i am positive she will have sniffed out all the gorgous dutch men!!

    (trust me jei they are sooooo hot)
  7. kristol

    kristol New Member

    Well let's hope sow :D

    But I'm sure I will meet losta other gorgous men out there from all around the World.

    Hope to see ya there when u arrive. we should meet up that would be fun.

    bye bye xxx kris
  8. monkian

    monkian New Member

    ach youll definately see me around...the short scot wearing a tiara
  9. kristol

    kristol New Member

    hahahaha Ok I'll be wearing wooden shoes. everybody thinks all Dutch people walk on them.
  10. monkian

    monkian New Member

    yes i believe the netherlands is filled with tulips, windmills and little boys with their fingers in yes and clog dancing mice that live in

    i had some dutch friends in Aberdeen...they never went anywhere without there clogs...while i danced around swords in my kilt whilst playing the bag pipes!!!
  11. kristol

    kristol New Member

    hahahahah that's right. never leaving my house without my clogs on.

    We should definately dance out there also. You in ur kilt playing the bag pipes (love the sound of it btw) and me wearing my clogs and having lotsa tullips in my hands. LOL
  12. monkian

    monkian New Member

    definately..... that we must do!!!
  13. kristol

    kristol New Member

    We will ;D Can't wait. We are going to have a BLAST out there.

    Are u going right back after the program ends? or are u going to do some traveling after?

    because the Visa is valid for 30 days after the program and I don't wanna go home right after. still got some traveling around the US to do ;D

    my program ends 1st of september and yours?? :D
  14. PlanetD

    PlanetD Member

    Hi, I'm from Holland!!!

    I'll start my program the 15th of August.

    And I was thinking of bringing something more comfortable than wooden clogs, like these soft and gentle clog-slippers

    You see, I don't feel very comfortable in wooden shoes. And I am not a hughe cheese fan either. So I am Dutch, but I like to break the rules set by the world for the Dutch. :D ;)
  15. monkian

    monkian New Member

    ....yeah don't be tide down by stereo types!!!!!!!

    *shouts over bagpipes while cookin mince'n'tatties and trying to stop harry the hagis from killing bobby the dug*
  16. monkian

    monkian New Member

    Aye, andinnae let yer'sel get cought up wi' they spellin hingmies! gid grief.....ah canna belief ah spelt tide an no tied.....michty me whit a dafty uh am...yid think after aw this time ad aye learnd whoo tay spell...och weel it coold hae been wurse a s'pose.

    Noo whit wiz a dain...Aye that wiz it am awa tae go ane mak wullie his denner, fur he's aye hungry when he gits hame frae wurk. so all hae tae leave ye tae get on wae it yerself.

    Crikey t'ain't long noo till wis are aww in that disney wurld....och it'll be grand there is no doot aboot it!!!
  17. PlanetD

    PlanetD Member

    Now that is confusing! Great skill there! If you would say it I might understand, but written. I know it sais something about food and that WDW will be great, but other than that...I dunno!
  18. Ona

    Ona Member

    ROFLOL! ;D ;D

    I just clicked on the second page without readin the first, didn't see it was you Ana and thought, my god! Dutch looks soooooooo like Scots! :eek: ;D Lol! ;D ROFLMAO! :D

    Even I can barely translate that. You east coast folks confuse me Lol. ;) All the kens and dinnaes. :D

    Ona x

    P.S. Uch awa' an bile ur heed ya wee bam! Ye hud me howlin 'ere! ;D

    P.P.S. I find the three legged haggis the easiest to catch. ;)
  19. monkian

    monkian New Member

    sorry Ona i should of added some random "BY THE WAY"'s at the end of my sentences maybe that would have helped you...ha ha ha

    i'm glad everyone is impressed with my multi lingual skills!!!!!!

    p.s OI' baw heed get oot the road!!!!!

    p.p.s how was the interview ona?
  20. Ona

    Ona Member

    Who you cawin baw heed! Gonnae naw dae that by the way! ;D

    The interview was a bit bleahhh since Disney weren't there but we had good fun and pummled Jason for info so I rather enjoyed myself. ;D

    Ona x

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