Any Indonesian Applicant?

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by Putrizkia, Oct 28, 2011.

  1. Putrizkia

    Putrizkia New Member

    Hi...I'm Putri from Indonesia, is here any other applicant from Indonesia?

    To apply as CRP we just have to send a CV and Cover Letter only or also the form? where can I get the form? :)

    please give me some information, thanks.
  2. Sofiluks

    Sofiluks New Member

    Hi! Sorry I havent seen this before, but their is no CRP for Indonesia, just college program.. Crp is for the countries that have representation in world showncase at epcot...
  3. donymusic

    donymusic New Member

    Hi Putri... Yes there is CRP from Indonesia

    You need to write email to yummyjobs (find in google). Write your interest and motivation, CV too. They usually give you 2 answers possibilities:

    1. They will give you the email of the right contact person who handle Indonesian recruitment, and ask you to re-send it again. Then you will get infos and application kit from her.

    2. They will forward your email directly to the right person, and this person will reply your email with all the relevant info or application kit (if you can still make the deadline)

    I have tried to apply twice..last year I was just a waitlisted...luckily this year I got accepted...Can't wait to start my dream job in April.

    Good Luck!
  4. Putrizkia

    Putrizkia New Member

    Thanks a lot Dony...

    I just want to send the application directly to I asked them where can I send my CV they said i can send it to them. But I am little bit confused about what to write in my cover letter since i don't really have many experience. I hope i still can make it this year... pray foe me pleasee.. :)

    btw..what they asked you in the phone interview? are they inform you first before they call?
  5. Putrizkia

    Putrizkia New Member

    oh I forgot to say CONGRATULATION DONY.... ;)
  6. donymusic

    donymusic New Member

    dikirim kesitu juga bisa

    tp yummyjobs juga bisa...gwe ga tau bedanya kalo kirm lewat disney atau WDWIP atau yummyjobs
    tp kayaknya yummyjobs seperti agent resmi nya disney yg ngasih sedikit lebih effort untuk ngasih reaksi, mungkin karena mereka ngejar komisi....toh pada nantinya kita disambungin juga ke orang Disney-nya

    Good Luck Putri
  7. Putrizkia

    Putrizkia New Member

    oooh gitu...masih mikir nih mau nulis apa di cover letter pas mau phone interview mrk ngasih kabar dulu gak? soalnya kan gw ngekos jadi bisa siap2 pulang gitu klo tau kapan mrk telponnya..
  8. Kenanjani

    Kenanjani New Member

    Hi Putri.. Iya mereka ngabarin kalo lo dpt interview.. Bakal disuruh pilih tanggal gitu. Untuk opening tahun ini udah tutup dan udah keluar hasilnya yaitu Dony sama Anisa.. Mungkin bisa coba kirim untuk tahun dpn.. Sama2 berjuang soalnya gw juga pgn bangeeet.. Hehehe
  9. Kathalizsa

    Kathalizsa New Member

    Same hereeee! Ayo mari tekan supaya quota nya bisa di tambaaah biar bisa nari saman :p
  10. Putrizkia

    Putrizkia New Member

    huwaaaaa...sayang bgt ya, pdhl gw baru aja ngirim. :-[
    kalian apply bulan apa wkt itu? interviewnnya susah gak? hope there's a miracle yaa...
  11. Kathalizsa

    Kathalizsa New Member

    Gw apply bulan agustus, kenny bulan november, tp gw resend aplikasi lagi desember karena gada kabarnya.. Sama2 berjuang ya kita hehe tanya2 aja ni sama yg udah pernah interview. Atau lihat vlog di youtube :)

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