Hey everybody, I wanted to know whether I could I apply being Spanish for the summer college program or shouldnt waste my time tryin. I already worked in Disney in Paris and loved it, so I'd just love to repeat in Orlando. Any help is welcomed!
Hi, sorry I can't help with your question - although I think I'd be right in saying you can do the summer program and the professional ones but not the cultural rep as spain doesn't have a pavillion. I think that would be right, don't take my word for it. Actually I wanted to ask you if you needed fluent french to work in dl paris?
Ok, thanks for your help!! I'll try to apply for it but without much hope... Yes, to work in Disney in Paris u need to have a good level of French, having an intermediate level should be enough for most of the positions, but in other they ask for fluency :-\
Hola! Te respondo en espanol por que soy un dominicano que vive en italia. A ver tu puedes aplicar por ejemplo para il j1 college program, si tienes mas de 3 anos creo como experiencia en hoteles o si te has graduado en hoteleria, ve a este sitio frances: www.internationalservices.fr y encontraras toda la informacion. Buena suerte!