another question :):)

Discussion in 'Accepted/Current CRP Participants' started by CANADIAN, Apr 19, 2006.


    CANADIAN Guest

    So I was reading around on here and some people are saying it gets quite cold some nights, and in the winter it's even colder...

    So my question is ......are anyone bringing a jacket down there, I have room but im just thinking do i need it!??!?!?!?!
  2. DisneyGibbs

    DisneyGibbs Active Member

    Yes bring a jacket!

    Sometimes when it's been really hot all day, it then gets very cold at night...

    oooooooooow I have pins and needles in my foot :'(
  3. Carissa

    Carissa New Member

    That's no good!!!!

    ...And to your question I'm taking two, a nice warm tweed jacket, and a long rain coat!!!
  4. erikdale

    erikdale New Member

    Hehe, you guys are really amusing..

    Im from Bergen, Norway.. Known as the rainy city, and its about -5 in the winter (at daytime).. In Florida the temperature hardly ever gets below +9, even in January.. Im defenantly not bringing a coat to keep me warm.. But as for the rain, I have lots of equipment for that :p

    Happy 19. April everyone (Its not a special day or anything.. But now its a happy day)
  5. Jorden

    Jorden New Member

    lol this thread is started by a Canadian, and (depending on where you live) you lucky if it's above -15 in the winter here... I'm probably just going to bring a hoodie/light jacket when I go down.
  6. spa_life_girl

    spa_life_girl New Member

    MAY SOUND SILLY...but THIS Canadian is bringing her jacket as well!! I got a really nice Columbia 3 in 1 so I will bring that!! I can take it apart and have the polar fleece for cool nights, the outer lining for light coverage and if we happen to get a FREAK FREEZE....which I KNOW has happened before......we will NEED IT!!

    When I was there this past February, I watched people walk around MK with scarves and mits and I LAUGHED SO HARD! I was wearing sandals still and capri pants and a light T SHIRT!! HAHAHAH
    My friend who is a FLORIDIAN was buying sweaters, jackets and freaking OUT becuase she said it was SOOOOOOOOOOO cold!! I told her to come visit me during January....-30 if she was LUCKY!!!

    COME ON CANADIANS...................... your bringing a coat right??? ;D
  7. Mara Mouse

    Mara Mouse New Member

    *LAUGH* That's so funny to see isn't it. I think bring a Columbia is a good idea, just cause it's useful as seperates. But there is no way I'm bringing a toque (especially cause I don't want to have to explain the word toque)
  8. JaneLB

    JaneLB New Member

    Oh I am bringing a coat, not a heavy one now mind you, but still.

    I find it can get pretty chilly at night so you're better off to be prepared.

    Just imagine though for those of us who live in colder climates, how cold we're going to be when we go home. Brrrrrrrr.
  9. erikdale

    erikdale New Member

    In most parts of Norway the temp is between -50 and -15, but Bergen is a bit warmer because its close to the ocean and the gulf-stream..
  10. spa_life_girl

    spa_life_girl New Member

    OH YEAH.......a TOQUE!! GOTTA bring one!!!

    We are ALREADY going to have to explain IGLOOS and such so why not toques?? I look FORWARD to the challenges!! tee hee!!! ;D
  11. JaneLB

    JaneLB New Member


    One time someone asked if we had computers in NL. Being evil I told them no that I had to rewire my toaster to get the internet.
    They replied with "Oh really" in the curious tone, not the sarcastic one. *sigh*

  12. spa_life_girl

    spa_life_girl New Member

    OH are NAUGHTY!!!

    LOVE IT!! We will get into SOME TROUBLE down there B'Y!!! ;D
  13. kerrbear

    kerrbear New Member

    in scotland its pretty cold all the time so im thinking i should be A-ok in florida with just a few jumpers and cardies for cold days ... bringing all my brollies though coz when it rains it rains!! oooo i might get one of thos bright yellow mickey mouse cagool things they sell in the MK for when it rains ... i will look so cool!
  14. kerrbear

    kerrbear New Member

    in scotland its pretty cold all the time so im thinking i should be A-ok in florida with just a few jumpers and cardies for cold days ... bringing all my brollies though coz when it rains it rains!! oooo i might get one of thos bright yellow mickey mouse cagool things they sell in the MK for when it rains ... i will look so cool!
  15. Matt1133

    Matt1133 New Member

    I'm only down in Flordia for the summer so I'm just bringing a wind breaker or something for when its windy.

    While you're explaining about the toques and igloos, might as well tell them about your new dog sled and how your pet walrus is doing ;)
  16. impulse

    impulse New Member

    Ahh yes, the infamous "You Canadians must be DYING in this heat right now!" comment.

    I'm just going to bring a windbreaker/light jacket too. Better to be safe than sorry!
  17. JaneLB

    JaneLB New Member

    I should also tell them about how I had to take the horse and cart to the edge of the woods, whistle for my moose which I rode to the coast, used another whistle for my seals (which is a different whistle now then the moose one, can't get those mixed up) got in my boat and had the seals pull me across the tickle and then I was on the mainland so I could get my plane. ;) hehehe
  18. spa_life_girl

    spa_life_girl New Member

    I tell ALL of my American friends NOW that we use dog sleds for the mail! They ALWAYS send me things and they ALWAYS take AT LEAST 2 weeks to get here!! I mean HONESLTY..........they have SATURDAY delivery :eek: :eek:

    You EVER hear of THAT?? :eek: :eek:

    My moose was giving me trouble so I went with BEAVER!!! GREAT WATER SPEED!! ;D ;D
  19. jenmacp

    jenmacp New Member

    One reason you may want to consider bringing warmer clothes is in case you do any trips over the winter! I went to New York City in early December and had got my parents to send me my mitts and scarf. I *may* have snuck a winter coat and touque from costuming ;)

    You really do get used to the warm weather and there are many nights in the "winter" when you can see your breath.

    That being said, I didn't bring a warm coat.. :D But just thought I would throw this out there.

    ~ Jen :)
  20. Mara Mouse

    Mara Mouse New Member

    It's so funny to see how much people will believe and the silly things they don't know.

    When I was 16, my parents were talking to a southern US couple in EPCOT. When my mom told them where we were from they said "Oh that's a nice little place, we drove through there once" ... funny thing is all my parents said was "Canada" hoping they wouldn't be too confused. Well that didn't work. My dad decided to ask "Oh really, where were you headed when you 'drove through' Canada?" ... and their response "British Columbia"

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