I believe I saw on in one of the Commons aparentments I went into so I don't think it'd be a problem to hook one up in Vista... keep in mind you'll have to trust your roomates to give you your messages
All I want it to be able to turn the ringer off! I remember people would last year at like 3 am looking to party with my roommate. Grr. The phones in vista are different from the commons. I think they get cordless phones in the commons. I guess I'll have to check when I get there.
We had phones with cord in the commons as well. But I have no clue if you can turn the ringer off if you have an answering machine. ??? We had one but I never tried to turn off the ringer.
I could turn the ringer off, but then I'd forget and no one would get phone calls for a couple days. at least if I have an answering machine, we'll hear who is calling. lol. Hopefully my roommates just don't get annoying people calling them at all hours this year. I remember telling off several people for calling so late.
yeah I think the cordless phones in the commons were ones people picked up from Wal Mart. I don't believe they're standard in the apartments. You could also get a phone with a volume control and just turn it down as well.