another confused person...

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by PrincessJilly, Jun 9, 2006.

  1. PrincessJilly

    PrincessJilly New Member

    ive only just heard about the j1 academic program, and asked alexis if i was eligible to apply, and she said i wasnt, because my degree isnt business related...

    but another girl sum1 knows did a degree in art and is doin the program..

    everyone else doin the J1, wot degrees did u study?!
  2. doowop

    doowop New Member

    i dont have an answer for this but i just wanted to say hi jilly!!!!! xxxxx
  3. Nina

    Nina New Member

    Hey Jilly,
    When Jason told me about this program he told me it didnt matter what degree you have studied and then he was saying that all degrees are relevant in some way to Disney! Even though I am studying business I know the girl beside me at the presentation was studyin media! Hope this helps ya ;D
  4. Laura *O*

    Laura *O* New Member

    Hi Jilly,

    I also asked alexis if i was eligible to apply for this program (my degree is in animation and electronic media) but was told i couldnt because the university i was enrolled at wasnt one they had agreements with so they couldnt consider me for the program :( so not sure if it matters what you studied but maybe more where you studied ???

    Laura xx
  5. KirstyLouise

    KirstyLouise New Member

    Hey Jilly,

    I asked Jason about it...maybe he's a better person to email coz he is the one sorting it...according to the infor he sent me. Also you have to be recently graduated from university, so I'm not sure if you'd apply for that.

    I'll forward you the details I got.

  6. Ona

    Ona Member

    Yeah Jilly, I'd possibly check with jason. :-\

    Like I mentioned to you before, my undergrad degree was in pure Maths (not even applied ::) completely abstract) and my post grad was in education and I'm doing the J1 in a couple of weeks.

    Also, Laura, my uni (glasgow uni) is not part of the program either. But so long as someone at your uni (it can even be a tutor) is prepared to sign a memorandum of understanding for the program, you are def. able to participate. I'm living, breathing evidence of this.

    I def. check again. Be persistant. ;)

    Ona x
  7. PrincessJilly

    PrincessJilly New Member

    so u reckon i should email jason... is his email just

    dont wanna sound like im making out that alexis is wrong tho, im just really confused about it
  8. PrincessJilly

    PrincessJilly New Member

    ps, got ur email kirsty, ta! and i am recently graduated, i graduate this month!

    ta chick :-*
  9. Ona

    Ona Member

    Hmmm Jilly I'm not sure.

    Perhaps try emailing or calling Int. rec. and see if they say the same thing. :-\ If not, then at least you'd have something concrete to pester Yummy with. ;) ;D

    And that's the right email ad. ;)

    Ona x
  10. PrincessJilly

    PrincessJilly New Member

    ok ta peeps, ive emailed jason now

    is there another program that u DO have to be a business graduate for?!

    im so confused about this lol
  11. KirstyLouise

    KirstyLouise New Member

    Ahhh thats great Jilly!!

    For some reason I thought you graduated last year haha!! My brain.

    Fingers crossed for you Jillypoos!!

  12. Ona

    Ona Member

    I graduated last year and I'm still going. ;)

    Recent is used in a very loose sense. ;D Lol. ;D

    Ona x
  13. PrincessJilly

    PrincessJilly New Member

  14. PrincessNat

    PrincessNat New Member

    Jilly. I dont really understand those J1 programs/uni qualifications etc but i really hope someone on here can help you.
    I really really hope you find a way to come out with us! Miss you loads :'( :'(

    Nat xxxx
  15. Ona

    Ona Member

    Wow Jilly I'm so so so sorry. :(

    I guess since the program is still in it's pilot stages the goal posts will continue to be moved around quite a bit. I guess I just got lucky with timing. :-[

    Keep checking around though. It looks like Disney are hoping to continue to expand their International Programs. So things could be changing day to day. :-\

    I'm so gonna keep my fingers crossed for you and keep the pixie dust flying. Walt Disney World is always in need of another Glasgow girl. ;)

    Ona x
  16. monkian

    monkian New Member

    ok ok we can calm down on the weegie army talk i

    however...this really does suck!!!! it is really really poo..... well its just not fair!!

    i still have my fingers crossed that some how you will get out there with us!!

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