Hey. I'm pretty sure you had your interview before me on the 17th? Either that or I have a weird sense of deja vu. Ha. My embassy interview is May 11th at 11am. Eep! And congrats on getting a place What position did you get?
I'll see you there Chezza! It'll be a loooong wait. I'm going to be operations oo. The 17th was obviously the day for us operations gals
Yeah it is good if you all have them around the same day otherwise you will get so bored its nice to have someone to talk to whilst you are waiting.
hey im gettin the national express to london 4 my visa appointment, get dropped off at victoria coach station, ne ideas where the us embassy is in london?
The American Embassy is in the Mayfair area of London. Try this link http://www.usembassy.org.uk/ukembmap.html So if you can get your self to one of the tube stations mentioned you should be able to find it no problems...if not just ask one of the nice police people with the big guns Forgot to say mines on the 4th of May but i'll be down fron the 3rd to the 5th