All About ANIME!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by A. LO, Apr 28, 2005.

  1. A. LO

    A. LO New Member

    who else is obsessed with anime? or am i the only one?! haha. i absolutely love it! my fave animes are inuyasha, tokyo mew mew (mew mew power in north america), sailor moon, witch hunter robin, .hack//sign and cardcaptors. i wish canada had more on tv!
  2. bambi_mad

    bambi_mad New Member

    i have no idea what that is!!!!!!!!!!!! but if the names are anything to go by it may be interesting!!!
  3. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    Hey I have heard of sailor moon,but none of teh brothers are in to all of that stuff,it does seems v interesting thou..I do like anime tho............

    spirited away?
  4. bambi_mad

    bambi_mad New Member

    ok then?????????!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol
  5. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    lol.was i confusing!!!!! dont worry george! i always am! :D
  6. bambi_mad

    bambi_mad New Member

    this is very true sharky
  7. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    thanx george! u could of gived me sum encouragemnet and said i'm not!!! ;D ;D
  8. bambi_mad

    bambi_mad New Member

    well you do have your moments but on the whole you are not! ;) ;) ;)
  9. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    thast better george!!!!!!!1 a little bit goes a long way!!.lol ;)
  10. A. LO

    A. LO New Member

    bambi, anime is japanese animation. it's not considered a cartoon but as anime.
    yes tinkerbell, spirited away is anime. i haven't seen it but it's suppose to be real good. i want to see the cat returns. that looks so good! haha
  11. bambi_mad

    bambi_mad New Member

    thats interesting!!!!!!!!! i might have to take a look now!!!!!!!
  12. A. LO

    A. LO New Member

    if you take a look, you'll be hooked!!! haha
    hey....that rhymes...... hahahaha
  13. low

    low New Member

    i like it it someways cos my best mate in my first year of uni loved it and it rubbed off on me a bit hehehee
    but no i dont think ur sad
  14. Dave_roberts

    Dave_roberts New Member

    I am a japanese animation mainiac!I have like 200 DVDs,also I buy the mags.

  15. A. LO

    A. LO New Member

    i love going to the japan pavillion in epcot cause they have a large selection of anime stuff!

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