Hey, so this is something that I haven't seen a lot of people on the ICP talking about and I'd love to talk more about it. The topic is the average age of participants on the program. I'm curious about this because I am what people might class as a 'mature-age' student (yeeuuurrghhh...sorry, I hate that expression) which just means I'm slightly older at 30 than the majority of uni students. I actually did go to uni when I was younger, worked for a while and then decided to change careers, which is why I'm back studying again. I don't have any problem getting along with people younger than me, in fact most of my uni friends are around 10 years younger than me but I have friends of all ages. I usually get mistaken for being a lot younger than I am, and I so don't act my age...what Disney fan does, really? hehehe! I do find that sometimes I have different values and opinions than my younger friends, often just because of a difference in life experience, and I'm not into clubbing or going out to pubs and clubs several times a week - but then again I wasn't into that scene when I was 20 either. I'm not looking to be anyone's mother - as long as you aren't hurting people or breaking rules that will get innocent people into trouble, I'm happy for you to live your life however you please. I'm just curious about a few things: Will there be many (or any) other ICP's/CP's my age? For younger participants, how do you feel about living and/or socialising with older ICP's and if you have done the program how did you find older participants? If you have done the program/are doing the program as and older ICP, how has your experience been? If there are any older applicants out there I'd love to hear from you too!
I will be 21 turning 22 while on the program I'm not into the clubbing scene either haha I used to be when I was 18-19 but not anymore. I wouldn't mind socialising with older icps/cps but in all honesty I would feel a little bit strange rooming with someone too much older than me.
Both I guess, I know someone who is having a really bad time with an older cast member in their apartment. I know that is such a generalisation but I guess I am sort of tainted by her experiences. I'm starting to realise how ridiculous I am sounding haha. I probably wouldn't have a problem with it if I got to know you, I think it would just be a little awkward to start with but as long as you aren't trying to control the apartment it should be fine
Yeah see this is what I'm worried about, people hear my age and automatically put me in this 'mature age student' stereotype. I look at those sort of control freak older students and just cringe because I feel like people like that are making my life so much harder lol! I'll be honest and say I would definitely prefer to share a room with someone closer to my age, but as far as sharing an apartment goes, I really don't care. To me it's much more important to live with people who have similar values than ages but I worry that if all anyone hears about is these bad experiences then nobody will want to give me a chance.
Yeah definitely, values are much more important that age. Just do the random match and then nobody will have a choice haha