Hi there! I'm 41 and wondered if there are many others who are in my age group that participate in the Cultural Representative Program. It appears that it is mostly young people in their 20's etc., but I wondered if other ages are involved too? I think the program would be a fantastic adventure and after 20 years working in the "real world" I could use a change of pace! Thanks for any info you can provide.
Well as far as I know I don't think there is an age limit on the program. As you said it is mostly young people and if someone older wants to apply the main thing that matters is if you are comfortable being inmmersed with people half your age. There are lots of parties in Commons and lots of drinking and stuff that teens and young adults do that sometimes the older people may not be interested in. I personally have no issue and I think everyone is entitled to a fair chance of being on the program I just want you to know that it is up to you. When I did the program in 2005 there were quite a few older people on the program so it is done. Like I said though it is up to you how well you think you will fit in.
Thanks, Dryice, I appreciate your thoughts...I enjoy working (and partying) with people of all ages! It would be good to have a few fellow CRPs my age also, though...if I decide to apply, and get hired, that is! Just doing my research at this point. Disney certainly appeals to EVERYONE of any age, I'll say that for sure! thanks again & have a great day
Where are you from Tobie? It's like *~Dryice~* said. But it depends a bit where you're from too. It seem like there's a few older people in the German pavilion for instance, at least when I was there.
like Britain the united states have an equal oppertunities policy and that is also in regards to age, disabilities etc which is great as it means anyone can apply and not be judged on grounds of various factors such as age. why not apply anyway what do you have to lose??
There were a couple of people at the September interviews who were in their late 30's... and they were as enthusiastic as any of us! I hope I can continue to do programs when I get to that stage in my life!