Hello there, I was just wondering if any of you lovely current CRPs or past CRPs would care to help new applicants with our applications. Mainly my issue is my cover letter and cv, and what to include/cut from them to make the application the best. So any shreds of information or tips or general advice would be really appreciated oh and have a magical day!
I didn't do a cover letter and they let me in ahahah!! XD So don't panic! My advice would be put as much experience as you can in your resume! Explain everything briefly! They are really looking for people with experience not only love for Disney ahah! so remember : Experience! XD Good luck everyone!
Hello im Aziz from Morocco and im apllying for the next crp,,have a week till the interview so the most thing i worry about is the interview questions and what most they look for to succes on this any help will be so nice from you,/? thx
hey, good luck with your interview I've not applied yet, but when I did the ICP interview they wanted to know why we wanted to work for Disney and how we would be living abroad with people from all over the world, but I'm not sure how much they alter the questions when interviewing for CRP... either way, hope it goes well, let us know