28th August flights

Discussion in 'Accepted/Current CRP Participants' started by PrincessTink, Mar 31, 2007.

  1. PrincessTink

    PrincessTink New Member

    Who's flying on 28th August? And does anyone have any idea which flight they are getting yet?

    Rach x
  2. j0hnyoung

    j0hnyoung Guest

    Im i flying august 19th..which i guess will be around the same price..

    Are you from England? I think im just guna let yummy jobs sort mine out..they did last time and they got me a pretty good price..
  3. stuart_peters

    stuart_peters New Member

    I'll be on the 28th but Disney will be booking my flights... Starting in Glasgow hopefully...
  4. j0hnyoung

    j0hnyoung Guest

    Ah rite, sweet, what program are you on? How long u stayin for?
  5. pinkspideruk

    pinkspideruk Active Member

    im a bit torn actually

    im considering book my own flight because disney dont seem to do direct flights and id like to get in early enough to unpack and hit the shops and stuff before all the meets

    Sta flights with virgin from london are around about £300 incl taxes direct to MCO and they get in around 3pm so i figure byt time ive gone through customs and got myself sorted at commons it will be 6ish which is plenty of time to get a taxi out to walmart or walk to publix to get some water and some munchies and toher bits n pieces
  6. stuart_peters

    stuart_peters New Member

    Dunno if that was to me... but... Cultural Rep F&B for a year...
  7. j0hnyoung

    j0hnyoung Guest

    Yeah it was..:)

    I was thinking that..but im hoping that Disney come up with a flight for around £450 return like they did last time..Im guna wait and see with what deal they come up with..and if its not that good..then ill just book the direct flight with STA..Like if disney quote £700..ill just book with STA..because there's is direct..

    I might just live from the vending machine, wendy's and bennigans until the walmart trip!!
  8. PrincessTink

    PrincessTink New Member

    I'm not sure what to do either. Dunno which way would be cheapest. Ure plan sounds like a good one tho so may look at doing that. When do we have to book our flights?
    Rach x
  9. Danielle1883

    Danielle1883 New Member

    Hey Rachel, r u on the CRP? I'm booking my own flight (accidently booked already but due to family holiday error-long story) When i went last time they didn't let you book your flight until you had ur visa in your hand, but i don't know what the score is now cos i had to book through disney last time, which was cool cos we were all on the same flight and sitting together and when we changed in atlanta we met with all the german arrivals and italian and all got the same coach to the commons- is any one going from manchester? I'm so excited i may wet myself!
    D xxx
  10. PrincessTink

    PrincessTink New Member

    Think it might be easier to let Disney book it for me. Would be great to meet people who are going too on the flight.
  11. stuart_peters

    stuart_peters New Member

    I've got my fingers crossed there'll be a few more folk going from Glasgow... But August 28th doesn't seem to be a huge arrival date...
  12. j0hnyoung

    j0hnyoung Guest

    Yeah..i think that about my date..i only no off 4 other people going on my date..

    August 19th..

    Three of them i met at the interview and the other one is my mate from uni!
  13. stuart_peters

    stuart_peters New Member

    That's quite lucky... Kinda wish I was going out on September 11 cause that seems to be when most from my interview are going... Means I would hopefully know some people. Never mind... I'll just go with getting flung in at the deep-end... that suits me fine too...
  14. pinkspideruk

    pinkspideruk Active Member

    we ca book our flights at any time. im prob going to book mine in may/june if they are still the same price. i dont wanna be al tired and grouchy for y throwin/meet and greet lol hence the not wanting a disney flight altho it would be cool to met other people flying sam day im sure there will be some on the ssme flight as me as there are only 2 direct fligts on that day that i could find and they are with virgin

    tink book the virgin flight and keep me company lol
  15. Danielle1883

    Danielle1883 New Member

    it doesn't matter that there's not many of us, it'll be awesome whatever!
    D xxx

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