2812 TERMINATED??? 'cos underages?

Discussion in 'Accepted/Current CRP Participants' started by Baruch, Jan 5, 2005.

  1. Baruch

    Baruch New Member

    hi there guys..

    any of u knows anything about the guys from 2812 (commons) who were terminated?, a friend told me that there was a party in there and security ended the party and they found underages..  and they terminated two guys from 2812 
    Daniel Loeffel ... Germany merchandise  and
    Gareth Cook  ..... Uk Merchandise

    this party was supposed to be last thursday.. if anybody knows anything please post..

    mexican pavillion F&B 2003-2004
    the Commons 2812
  2. Baruch

    Baruch New Member

    Thanks to everyone who read it, finally i know exactly what happened with those terminations, including norwegians..

    have fun guys.. take care security is over u



    mexican pavillion F&B 2003-2004
    the Commons 2812
  3. stu_uk

    stu_uk New Member

    So what did happen??
  4. maja

    maja New Member

    Yeah, Daniel was a german friend of mine.... Security is getting crazy last times.... I also had a Party at my Birtday (23rd!!!) and they told me either the Alcohol has to leave my 'overage' Apartment or the underage people!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MAn, but I was lucky.... I'm still here....
  5. Baruch

    Baruch New Member

    Hi there guys.. so here's the information that I know about it finally

    one of my exroomates in 2812 Hakon a norwegian guy send me an e mail to let know what happened in there, he used to live in there and then he moved to another apt, so he's still living at the commons and he siad me the next>

    Yeah, Daniel was terminated for two weeks ago, not gareth.
    Daniel had a party and there were people under age drinking there, so he was terminated beacause he wasnt checking peoples ID on they way into the apartment.
    Earlier the security didnt make any trouble if there were people under age drinking as long they kept inside the apartment, but now the security nightshift has turned out to be fanatic, its crazy.
    By the way, the same night daniel was terminated two norwegians girls were terminated as well, all together there were 5 people terminated that night.
    Especially the germans and the norwegians were so pissed of of this, so we had one people from each country(mexico, germany, norway and uk) on a meeting with adminstration of disney on our initiativs. So its gonna be better in the future.

    that's part of the email..

    unfortunately Daniel was terminated, for those who are still in there, just remember january, february and september are termination seasons, because they are overstaff and no people in parks

    ok.. have fun guys.. life's going on



    mexican pavillion F&B 2003-2004
    the Commons 2812
  6. Kaddy

    Kaddy New Member

    Hey Baruch,

    what did Hakon mean by sayin "It's gonna be better in the future?" Less Security checks?

    I am a little bit scared, I am leaving March 15th and won't turn 21 until I will be back in Germany. I do not need to drink at Parties, but I know lots of people who are over 21 and I don't want to miss those parties. But I am scared that I will be terminated because of this. This isn't fair.

    Greetz Kaddy
  7. SinaHamburg

    SinaHamburg New Member

    holy crap, that sucks!!!
    @ kaddy...as long as you (we) dont drink everything should be fine...i mean they cant terminate us for beeing there...were gonna have fun anyways lol!!!!
  8. T-belle

    T-belle New Member

    Who were the two Norwegians who got terminated????
  9. maja

    maja New Member

    I'm not sure about the names of the norwegian girls. I just know that the one girl lived in Building 25 and she arrived in September....

    I'm overage, but some of my friends are underage.... When we are all together, a small group of people, everything is okay. Than it's no party and security won't come. If there's a party, the underage people have to be careful. They shouldn't walk totally drunk in front of security and if security is coming to a party, everyone is screaming 'security' and suddenly no underage has a drink anymore... you give it to overage friends or just set it on the table.... I think the two norwegian girls were eitehr to drunk or they didn't realize that they still were holding a drink....
    But this night was really crazy.... and after some meeting 3 security guys got fired.....

  10. Baruch

    Baruch New Member

    Hey Kaddy.....

    don't be worried about it.. i met many underages and they used to drink a lot more than the rest.. just be careful.. the mexican president for everymonday meeting was underage and the parties were always great.. even better than after him with an over 21 guy....

    Just remember.. be careful

    january, february, september = low season + overstaff = TERMINATION

    by the other hand, be careful with the wellness apts. as well, cos as far as I can remember is not possible keep alcohol in there or u an be terminated...

    I had am Italian friend, Cosntanza, and she was terminated because of that .. she was underage and terminated because alcohol..

    anyway remember that during summer, springbreak, xmas.. u can do wahtever u want, u won't be terminated .. except if u do something really bad.. like stealing around the world (just ask to french guys, the police was waiting for them in the parking lot in epcot)...

    be careful but never forget HAVE FUN!!!!!



    Mexican pavillion F&B 2003-2004
    The Commons 2812
  11. katiekat

    katiekat New Member

    Stealing around the world?

    Ok, so what I seem to be getting is that they actually DO terminate ppl at Disney for alcohol-related stuff.
    This makes me feel kind of not confident about drinking underage!!!
  12. Kaddy

    Kaddy New Member

    hey baruch,

    thanks for your reply :)

    I am scared and excited at the same time, but I guess this feeling has everyone who is heading out to Orlando. Something so big and so new for each one of us. amazing.

    Anyways, thank you :)

  13. Quark

    Quark New Member

    Just wanted to let you know that the January termination spree that Baruch mentioned is very important to keep in mind. It applies to the individual pavilions as well, we once really had to hear "if we weren't that understaffed, I'd terminate you all" coming from our manager. Great boost for morale, of course. So you`re safer when they need you, and when they don't need you, they'll find an excuse to terminate you if they didn't like you all along anyway (like eating from the buffet, changes from non-issue to issue seasonally).
    And people do get terminated because of issues in one way or another connected to Alcohol all the time. In fact, I'd say that the far majority of all terminations are related to alcohol.
    The easy way would be to say "don`t drink if you're underage", but there have been many cases where even that didn't help. In essence, you are always risking to get terminated, no matter if underage or overage. although there are more reasons to terminate you if you're underage. If you are at the wrong place at the wrong time and perhaps say the wrong things, you fly home. Strangely enough, you get used to it. Underage people learn to know how to behave when and start drinking just like everybody else. And occasionally someone either makes a mistake or is just plain unlucky. The only problem is when YOU are the affected person, other than that everything's fine.
  14. Marie

    Marie Guest

    Thats quite scary that the disney dream could come to an end at any time :-[
  15. Baruch

    Baruch New Member

    Guys.. please just understand that the most of guys have no problems in Orlando..

    Just remmember this,,, when u arrive to the Commons u gotta sign the next..

    4. TERMINATION - I understand that Walt Disney World Co. may, in its sole, aboslute and unrefettered discretion, terminate my living experience at the CIH (College & International Housing accomodations for any reason whatsoever or for no reason, with or without cause. Termination in the program shall not be prerequisite to the termination of my living experience at the CIH Accomodations. If the Walt Disney World Co. exercises its righthereunder, I shall inmediately leave the CIH Accomodations in accordance with the forms hereof

    guys just remember.. u have 2 "free" warnings.. feel free to use it.. is part of your rights and experience .. don´t worry the most of international programs have at least 1 warning when they finish the program,.... actually I had 2...

    guys, have fun.. enjoy your life.. there´s nothing to be worried about at all



    Mexican pavillion F&B 2003-2004
    The Commons 2812
  16. Louisa

    Louisa New Member

    if you ask me, this was in one way a little wrong to bring this up on the board. there is no need to worrie for the new castmemebers who hasn't arrived at disney ground jet. I mean if you just play by the rules you all will be fine. And if you drink, but are underaged, just make sure you don't do it right in front of security. it's right as baruch says that it's easyer to get terminated during low season. but if you just make sure you are not at the wrong place at the wrong time, you will be just fine. termination is a part of the program too. I think that everybody thinks that it suck if someone get terminated. But there is allso more people that makes it trough the problem. I just think it's unnecessary to make incomming castmemebers worrie about this before the arraivein Fl.

    So new castmembers: don't worrie, you will have a great time. Party on and have great time!! ;D
  17. Dan

    Dan New Member

    The big lesson here is enjoy the program, meet new people and make the most of it. But if you play with fire, you will get burned, and it isnt nice to see anyone go through that, believe me. It isnt always fair, so just be careful.

  18. shannybanany

    shannybanany New Member

    NOWHERE is it written that you get two chances prior to termination. It is true that some do get off, but usually once the T-word is tossed around...get packing! So, just be careful!
  19. Ze Perfect Strange

    Ze Perfect Strange New Member

    Forget about the 2 chances...doesnt exist ...if you re lucky they might give you a warning...but they DONT HAVE TO DO IT,
    They can terminate you from a day to another and give 24 hours to leave the country! anybody that worked a year in WDW have seen it!
    But true that if you are about to go there, dont worry about termination. if it arrive that s fine it means you ve done your time there and that you need to move to something better, if it exist ;D :D.
    and Another good trick to know is that if you work for another company than disney, like the waiter of the French pavillion for exemple,
    Disney cant terminate you from your job, only your managers can!!! Disney can fire you from the residence but then you just find another appt. outside and you re fine!!but if your I.D is yellow, BEHAVE!!!
    ZPS :p
  20. Floeckchen2301

    Floeckchen2301 New Member

    I thought there a restriction, that you have to live on the property to be allowed to work at disney??? Think so, so if you're terminated at the Commons, you're out!

    BUT you really have to behave very bad to get terminated. Some people got terminated because of just a little thing, but there were doing all these bad little things all the time, so it just was one to much...

    8)I just say..."...f... ID, .a.. ID, ..k. ID, ...e ID...lallala..." or find an overage person, who looks a lil' like you and get his Florida ID.

    @overage people: when you do the Florida drivers licence, get the FL ID as well for a few bucks...there are sooo many underage people, needin' your help!!

    Underage ppl were drinkin' worse then the others when I was livin' in the commons, and nearly everybody went to the clubs and PI and never got a problem.

    But you shouldn't bring you drink outside and make any security guys angry at you.

    BUT the worst thing eva: stealing!!! Disney is really freakin' out when you steal any of there stuff!! Also if it's just a f... old roll from the buffet, even if you picked it up from the floor.

    ;D But you get a training in all this new stuff, and because you'll be trained by IP Casts, you'll learn all the tricks very fast... ;)

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