10th September Virgin Atlantic GATWICK!

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by billy_92, Sep 2, 2006.

  1. billy_92

    billy_92 Guest

    Hey just curious as too who is travelling out on the 10th of september with virgin atlantic from Gatiwck.

    P.S IT IS SO FRIGGIN CLOSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AH!!!!!!!!! :eek:
  2. Trev

    Trev New Member

    Yep, myself and a few others are.

    Are you doing a flight transfer from Glasgow or will you be at the check in line with us all?

    I'll have my yellow Phantasialand bag with me, it's got a Jurassic Park badge on it. It's the best.

    Can't wait!
  3. im at gatwick on the 10th, but im on BA tho
  4. billy_92

    billy_92 Guest

    No im going to be going from Gatwick, so ill be in the line! thats all im going to be looking for now, is a jurrasic park bag! I'll most likely be with my good old brown sack of a bag! lol!

    see u guys then
  5. Potroast

    Potroast New Member

    Hey my name is Nathan, im going to be on the VS027 aswell, looking foward to meeting you guys, but its sure scarey though! looking foward to the heat! ;D PS does anyone like football? (soccer that is lol)
  6. PrincessJilly

    PrincessJilly New Member

    hi nathan! are u on the 2 month program or year? where are u from!
  7. billy_92

    billy_92 Guest

    Hey Nathan, yea like soccer and i really wanna try out american football too, even tho im built like skinny boy!

    Im into all sports tho! So wanna try lots of water sport stuff while were over there!

    There's even a volleyball game set up next the appartments!
  8. Potroast

    Potroast New Member

    Im from just outside Gatwick, so i dont have to far to go on sunday lol, Im there for the 2 month program, how about you guys, i will probably be in a panic the day we leave as everything has happend so fast, and im still unsure what to expect or what to take with me! :eek: but i guess thats what makes it so exciting! but im with you on the drinking billy as im 19, so i cant drink, and as im used to going to the Pub to watch the football it will be odd!
  9. PrincessJilly

    PrincessJilly New Member

    whats ur msn nathan?
  10. billy_92

    billy_92 Guest

    I know, im hammered right now! i imagine i wont be sober the entire time!
  11. s4meb

    s4meb New Member

    hey guys, suposed to be going out on the 10th but still aint got my visa yet. Fingers crossed i should be gettin it tomoz. Really looking forward to goin now. i am going to be goin from gatwick too. so if all goes well prob see u lot at the airport.
  12. anyone on the BA flight with me and Gav then?
  13. Potroast

    Potroast New Member

  14. Tan

    Tan New Member

    Im on the virgin Atlantic flight!!! Travelling across to gatwick tomorrow and staying overnight. So will see you at check in! Ill have on a very sparkley green top and a minnie mouse ribbon round my suitcase!!

    Tan x x

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