Pre-Screen Interview 5th October, 2pm London

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by Thebelepa, Sep 9, 2014.

  1. Thebelepa

    Thebelepa New Member

    Hey guys! I've just heard that I have got through to pre-screens in London on 5th October at 2pm. We have just set up a Facebook group of everyone with this interview date so we can arrange meeting up beforehand and getting to know each other :)

    It's a secret group as some people haven't told family. If you want to be added, add me on Facebook Beckii Parnham and I'll put you in the group ^^

    Congratulations guys ^^
  2. Becky123

    Becky123 New Member

    Congratulations!!! :) iv added you so please can you add me to the group?? Thanks x
  3. Thebelepa

    Thebelepa New Member

    I have messaged you, still waiting on being made admin :)
  4. JamesM24

    JamesM24 New Member

    Congrats to everyone who got through!! See you in London!! :)
    Becky123 likes this.
  5. Charlie

    Charlie New Member

    Hey Beckii. Congrats on getting through! I have sent you a friend request my name is Charlie Mckenzie. Please add me to the group :)
  6. JamesM24

    JamesM24 New Member

    Just sent a request to join the group!! :)

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